A Twilight fan fiction based on the movie The Outsiders

A Twilight fan fiction based on the movie The Outsiders

Banner by Imaginaryheartx

Disclaimer: I do not own the Twilight Saga or The Outsiders Films, Novels or Characters. The following fan fiction will contain dialogue and scenes from the movies which I also do not own. I have huge amounts of respect for SE Hinton and Stephanie Meyer and mean no disrespect. I'm doing this for fun and hope you enjoy reading my cross-over and merriment of the characters from the both movies. No copyright infringement is intended.

Its 1967 and tensions run high when the high school in LaPush is condemned and shut down. The Rez "Greasers" are forced to assimilate with the Pale Fale "Socs" kids at the school in Forks. It turns into an all out war between the Greasers and the Socs when two Soc girls Bella and Alice end up at the drive-in with Greasers Jake, Seth, Paul and Quil. The girls' Soc Boyfriends Edward and Jasper jump to conclusions and someone will lose their life.........


Chapter Three - Drive-In and Bella Swan Part Two

Disclaimer: I do not own the Twilight Saga or The Outsiders Films, Novels or Characters. The following fan fiction will contain dialogue and scenes from the movies which I also do not own. I have huge amounts of respect for SE Hinton and Stephanie Meyer and mean no disrespect. I'm doing this for fun and hope you enjoy reading my cross-over and merriment of the characters from the both movies. No copyright infringement is intended.

Beta - Mist

Pre-Readers - Rock and Justy

Chapter Three - Drive-In and Bella Swan Part Two

Jake sank in his chair as his eyes looked sideways at Paul.

“Some cute redhead, huh?” asked Paul, loudly.

He leaned forward and started talking really loud so the girls could hear.

Bella instantly sat up straight up in her chair and began chewing her gum hard.

Jake could tell she was getting angry. He recognized her as a Soc from school. She was a cheerleader who dated the guy that beat up Seth a few weeks back. She was beautiful with long hair that had was a deep auburn with a bit of curl to it. Her friend had short black hair and Jake recognized her as well from school, but couldn’t remember her name. He knew these girls were popular at school, but couldn’t for the life of him figure out why they were alone at the drive-in sitting where the kids who don’t have cars sit. He looked around for their boyfriends but didn’t see anyone.

Seth got up quickly and said he was getting a coke.

Paul started getting really dirty with his talk, and Jake felt his face get hot with embarrassment.

“Are you a real redhead?” Paul asked Bella. “Are you real?”

He leaned in really close and touched her hair. “How can I find out if this is your real red hair? If this is the same red hair,” he paused and then tried to touch her face, “that you have on these eyebrows, too?”

Bella slapped his hand away, but didn’t turn around all the way.

“Cut it out,” she said.

Paul leaned back pushed on the back of her chair with his foot. He just turned sideways and grinned at Jake, who was starting to regret not going with Seth for a coke.

Bella still didn’t turn around. She only spoke very calmly and loud.

“Get your feet off my chair and shut your trap!”

That only amused Paul more and he answered, “who's gonna make me?”

When he didn’t get an answer, he asked, “Who, your boyfriend?”

Jake felt bad for Bella and said “C’mon man, leave her alone.”

The dark haired girl leaned over to Bella and quietly said, “That's the Greaser who just
got out of jail.”

Paul laughed, “Yeah, whatever you say sweetheart.”

“Better leave us alone or I'll call the cops,” Bella said out loud.

“You got me scared to death,” Paul said with his hands over his heart. “Oh my my, what am I gonna do, Jake? This girl is making me shake.”

Bella turned around slightly in her chair, “Why don't you be nice and leave us alone?” she asked.

Paul just shrugged and said “I'm never nice.”

Then he leaned forward again and put on a more smoother voice, “Can I interest you in
a Coca-Cola or a 7-Up?”

That was the icing on the cake.

Bella turned around fully, her eyes were full of anger and hate.

“Get lost, hood!” she yelled.

Paul looked at little shocked and held up his hands in mock defense.

“I'm sorry,” he said. “I didn't know you had this problem of yelling in my face.”

He smiled at her. “All right, I'll go. I know when I'm not wanted.”

Jake breathed a sigh of relief when Paul got up and walked away. He turned his attention back to the movie and was almost relaxed when Bella turned around and yelled, nearly scaring him out of his seat.

“Are you going to start now, too?”

Jake shook his head no, and Bella smiled a little, probably noticing how terrified he looked.

“You don't look the type anyway,” she said “What's your name?”

Now Jake is pretty good with girls, but most of the girls he knew were rez girls that he grew up with all his life. This girl was different. She was polished , rich and most of all beautiful. She honestly scared the crap out of Jake and he didn’t know how to find his voice.

“Jacob Black,” he managed to squeak out.

“I’m Bella Swan,” she said “ and this is Alice Cullen.“

“Yeah, I know,” Jake answered. “ We go to the same school. You're cheerleaders.”

Bella looked away slightly embarrassed that she didn’t recognize him.

“Oh,” she said. “What's a nice boy like you doing hanging around with that trash?”

Jake instantly got his back up. “Paul is my buddy. I'm a Greaser, too. We're like brothers.”

“I'm sorry, I didn't know,” apologized Bella.

It was at this point that Seth returned and took a seat on the other side of Jake. He just smiled politely to the girls and tried to concentrate on the movie.

Alice looked at Jake directly and then asked bluntly. “Do you have an older brother?”

Jake just simply answered “Yep.”

“Oh right, Embry right?”

Jake just nodded.

“He works at the gasoline station with another gre....” Alice stopped herself. “Another boy from the rez?”

“Yeah, that's him, “ Jake answered.

“Embry is cute,” giggled Bella. “I should have known you were brothers.”

Jake shifted in his seat, trying to act cool. He just grinned at Bella and started to blush.

Alice’s next question quickly ruined Jake’s high.

“How come we don't see your brother at school anymore?” she asked. “Has he been working full time since your parents died?”

Jake hated this subject and just simply said, “He's a dropout.”

Bella seemed to sense how uncomfortable he was with the subject and just added, “That's too bad.”

Bella looked up and quickly turned around without saying a word. Jake couldn’t figure out why until he heard an all too familiar voice.

Paul walked past Jake and Seth and sat right next to Bella. He handed her a coke with one hand and threw the other around her shoulder.

“Here, sweetheart, I thought this might cool you off.” he added slyly.

Bella looked enraged and tossed the coke in his face and screamed, “Maybe that will cool you off until you learn how to be decent.”

Jake thought Paul was going to lose it, but instead he laughed. It was a crazy laugh that Jake had heard many times before when Paul was about to do something reckless. Paul turned towards Bella and grabbed her face, trying to kiss her.

“Fiery, huh?” he sneered. “Just the way I like them!”

Bella did her best to fight him off, but was failing miserably. “Get off of me!”

Then a voice out of nowhere stopped Paul in his actions and made Jake wince.

“Leave her alone.”

Jake turned to Seth, and could not believe what he was hearing. The voice belonged to Seth.

“What did you say?” asked Paul, almost as shocked as Jake.

Jake looked at Seth’s hands shaking and knew he was terrified. But Seth didn’t back down.

“Come on, you heard me. Leave her alone.” he said as he stood up.

Paul looked at Seth in shock and pointed at Seth. “What did you say, you little shit?”

“Come on, man.” Seth pleaded.

Paul looked away from Seth and glanced at Jake. He then turned and looked directly at Bella and glared. He pushed her away slightly and stood up. He looked like he wanted to hit someone, but he knew how much it took for Seth for to stand up to him, so he just turned to Seth and spat out “Wise ass.”

Then he just walked away.

Jake let out his breath, along with Bella and Alice.

“Thank you,” sighed Bella “He had me scared to death.”

Seth sat back down and answered, “You didn't show it. Nobody talks to Paul like that.”

Bella smiled at Seth. “From what I saw, you do. What’s your name?”

Seth blushed and fidgeted in his seat “It’s Seth, Seth Clearwater.”

Alice turned around and playfully asked, “Why don't you two sit up here and protect us?

Seth looked at Jake and whispered, “What do you think? Come on man.”

Jake just shrugged and got up, “Might as well.”

Seth went and sat on the other side of Alice and Jake sat beside Bella. He tried not to grin, but he couldn’t help but feel a certain high from hanging around the Soc girls.

Seth must have felt a high too, because he was confident enough to ask “Why aren't you scared of us like you were of Paul?”

Bella was the first to answer.

“You two are too sweet-looking, and then sighed. “Besides, I know about Paul Woods.
You two don't look mean or dangerous.”

Jake all of a sudden felt small. “Yeah right. We're young and innocent.” He said sarcastically.

“No. You're just not dirty,” she said.

Even though Paul had been an ass that night, Jake still had to defend him.

“Paul is okay. He's tough and all, but he's cool if you get to know him.”

Seth added, “He'd leave you alone if he knew who you were.”

Alice looked disgusted. “Well, I'm glad he doesn't know us.”

Bella just looked straight ahead and folded her arms in front of her. “I kind of admire him, ” she whispered so only Jake heard.

Jake turned and looked at her shocked, and then turned his attention back to the movie.

They all sat there in silence watching the movie, when suddenly one strong hand came down on Seth’s shoulder and then another on Jake’s. A deep voice boomed “Okay Greasers, you’ve had it.”

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