A Twilight fan fiction based on the movie The Outsiders

A Twilight fan fiction based on the movie The Outsiders

Banner by Imaginaryheartx

Disclaimer: I do not own the Twilight Saga or The Outsiders Films, Novels or Characters. The following fan fiction will contain dialogue and scenes from the movies which I also do not own. I have huge amounts of respect for SE Hinton and Stephanie Meyer and mean no disrespect. I'm doing this for fun and hope you enjoy reading my cross-over and merriment of the characters from the both movies. No copyright infringement is intended.

Its 1967 and tensions run high when the high school in LaPush is condemned and shut down. The Rez "Greasers" are forced to assimilate with the Pale Fale "Socs" kids at the school in Forks. It turns into an all out war between the Greasers and the Socs when two Soc girls Bella and Alice end up at the drive-in with Greasers Jake, Seth, Paul and Quil. The girls' Soc Boyfriends Edward and Jasper jump to conclusions and someone will lose their life.........


Chapter One - Reflection

Disclaimer: I do not own the Twilight Saga or The Outsiders Films, Novels or Characters. The following fan fiction will contain dialogue and scenes from the movies which I also do not own. I have huge amounts of respect for SE Hinton and Stephanie Meyer and mean no disrespect. I'm doing this for fun and hope you enjoy reading my cross-over and merriment of the characters from the both movies. No copyright infringement is intended.

Beta: Mist

Pre-reader: RockSteady54

Chapter One - Jacob Black Point of View

Jacob twirled his pen in the air as he looked up and starred at the picture taken just a few months back. There they were, all seven of them; his family for all intensive purposes. It was the last time they were all together he thought as he felt a tear fall down his cheek. He didn’t bother wiping it away and just let it fall unabashedly down his face. He took a breath and it puff up his cheeks as he let it out. Jacob then opened his composition book to a clean page and began to write about the last month......

October 3rd, 1967 by Jacob Black

Before I tell you about the events that lead up to me writing this story , I better fill you in on my life and the the guys I hang around with. They are more like family and would do anything to help a fellow Greaser out. Most of us have long hair and wear hair oil to make us look tough. That’s what I am. A Greaser. Or at least that’s what everyone calls us. Everyone who doesn’t live on the rez, that is. We are all Native American Indians - Our Tribe is called Quileute and we live in La Push, Washington. The rainiest most dismal place in the US of A. The elders don’t like the term Greasers, but its what I can always remember the white people calling us. Just like I always remember them being known as Socs as in Socialites. The rich kids from Forks who had it made and for some reason hated everything and everyone associated with the La Push Reservation. Forks was only ten miles outside La Push, but it seemed like worlds away from our modest lifestyle.

My life was pretty decent, up until two years ago when my folks died in a car crash. They were the best parents a kid could have. All the guys loved them and there wasn’t a time where you couldn’t find one of them sleeping on our couch. Mom would always leave the back door unlocked, with a pillow and blanket on the couch just in case. In the morning. she never pried for answers, she’d just start breakfast and set an extra plate, like nothing was different. Dad was technically the Chief of the rez, he was always out playing football at the school or counselling families to help them through hard times. The entire tribe came to their funeral and I think the tribe lost more than a Chief and a den mother, they lost their way. Billy and Sara Black were the Salt of the Earth, people would say. It was right after that the they condemned La Push High and all the rez kids had to bus it and attend the high school in Forks. And that is when La Push teens became the Outsiders in Forks.

I’m Jake Black and I’m sixteen years old. I dig movies and books, someday I’d like to maybe be a writer. I guess you could say I’m a bit of a dreamer. Or at least that’s what my brother Sam is always saying along with the fact that I lack common sense.

Sam is huge, he’s six two, muscular and looks way older than his twenty years old. Which is probably my fault. Sam dropped out of college to take care of Embry and me when our parents were killed in a car crash. And I swear, from that day on he started to hate me. I don’t know if its because he felt he had to come home because Embry and I would be thrown in a foster home or if its because he blamed me for the accident. His hair is cut short, and he rarely puts hair oil in it anymore. I don’t think its by choice though, it’s for when the social worker drops in on us, so he looks clean-cut and capable of being like a parent. Sam is always in a bad mood, unless of course he’s dealing with Embry, who can make anyone laugh.

Embry is a year older than me and he’s my favorite. He’s the best looking guy I know - and I’m not saying that to sound like a fag - he just is. Girls fall at his feet. He doesn’t even have to do anything, they just love him. He is movie-star handsome with long black hair that is usually down, unless he is at the Gas Station where he works. He dropped out of school last year and got a job there for some extra money. He has the most expressive eyes that could dance with laughter one minute and then darken with anger the next. Embry is so happy-go-lucky and rarely in a bad mood, the exact opposite of our older brother Sam.

If our group were to have a jester it would be Quil Ateara. He couldn’t stop talking to save his life. He is quick-witted and especially likes to chat to girls I think he’s given his phone number out to almost every girl in the rez and honestly I don’t think any one of them has ever called him back. I think its because he swears so much. Quil says words I’ve never even heard of and he says them all without blushing. He's almost eighteen, but he loves school so much he keeps repeating eleventh grade. Pretty soon the teachers are going to catch on that he's just there for kicks and to meet girls.

Paul was probably the scariest of us all. He spent some time in a Juvenile detention center a few years back and since then he’s been considered dangerous by most people. He had a huge tattoo on his neck of a Quileute symbol I’ve never seen and was always too scared to ask him. He took pride in his criminal record, he was tougher than the rest of us - colder and meaner. He sometimes hung out with the older Quileute Greasers who spend time out at the biker bar just outside the Rez. He shaved his head and his eyes were almost black, cold as ice and full of hate. He hated all white people, especially since Seth was jumped and nearly killed. I mean we were all protective of Seth, but Paul always had a soft spot for him.

The one I disliked the most is Jared. He always treats me like a kid and teases me whenever he gets a chance. He's Embry’s best friend and works at the gas station too. He knows more about cars than anyone on the rez, but has a passion for driving reckless and fast, which scares the hell out of me.

Seth was the youngest, but only by a few months. He was every one’s kid brother and my best friend. He had these big soulful puppy dog eyes that just made everyone want to take care of him. His hair was long like the rest of us, but he wore it lose and hid behind it, especially when out in public. In August, Seth was jumped by a few Socs and beat up pretty bad. One of the Socs had a lot of rings on his hand so they made a mess of Seth’s face. He’s got a scar right across his left cheek that makes him look tough, which in our neighbourhood is a compliment. He was never been the same since then and carried a switchblade that Paul gave him everywhere.

Jake paused and another tear fell down his face. He squeezed his eyes shut, put his pen down and ran both hands through his hair. He missed his long hair and hated that he cut it all off. It was like a reminder of what happened last month, the worst month of his life...............

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